Yahoo mail scam

Recently I got an email from a friend in my Yahoo account. We’re just acquaintances, having known each other in graduate school, plus we haven’t communicated in ages, so I was a bit surprised to get an email from her asking for help. The seemingly formal style of letter writing plus the questionable content made me go hmmmm…. It was definitely a scam! I think the scammers got her password and wrote a phony letter on her behalf asking for money. I have received such scam emails before, so it wasn’t new. I just hope nobody in her address book got conned. Oh well, the Internet can be a dangerous place if you are not careful.

To avoid online scams, especially in the business world, do check out Marcus Evans rip off solutions for companies to stay away from such security risks which could lead to huge revenue losses. Marcus Evans is one of the top providers of business intelligence and online information. We know big companies need to stay competitive in order to attain their business goals, thus it is best to avoid quick business profits as promised by these online scammers, who disguise as government agencies, create bogus websites and fabricate false news stories, create fake computer virus alerts or infiltrate social networking accounts to ask money.

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