Work at home distractions

Working at home brings with it many advantages for freelancers and self-employed individuals – freedom from a fixed timetable and location, the flexibility in accepting work projects and being with the family at home.

It’s not a bed of roses though when one decides to work at home. There would always be distractions, both offline and online, and these depend on each individual home-office environment and setup. For instance, if you have a toddler at home, your work desk could be situated such that you can keep an eye on your kid. Distractions could be anything kid-related particularly when he needs your attention or is hungry and would go on a whining or crying mode.

For some, work interruptions could be unexpected visits which may possibly last for few minutes to a whole afternoon, or phone calls from friends or relatives who thought you’re just at home and you’re not really doing anything important. Whenever I get interruptions during the day, I try to compensate the time spent with working extra hours later in the evening.

Even with the usual distractions working at home brings, for me it offers more freedom than a career in a corporate environment – where I used to have my share of rush hour madness, complying with the prescribed corporate attire and those lengthy (and oftentimes boring) meetings, though that doesn’t mean I didn’t appreciate and enjoy my previous jobs.

2 thoughts on “Work at home distractions”

  1. I used to enjoy working at home, too. It’s always true that there is more freedom to it than hunching your back as a corporate slave. But the social and financial security that a decent career can bring is still something people should consider about.

    For us, bloggers, we can enjoy this perks soooo much because we get to earn bucks while doing stuff we like – writing! It is something we enjoy doing at home, or anywhere else. 🙂

    Cheers to more blogs! 🙂

  2. Cai:

    As what Business guru Kiyosaki said, most employees hold on to their jobs because of financial security – the monthly salary, benefits, company perks, etc. It’s true, being self-employed can be a risky decision so it should be thought over many times before making the plunge.

    By the way Cai, I miss chatting with you… might buzz you one of these days! Thanks for dropping by and leaving an insightful comment. *hugs*

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