Life Travel

Wheelchair, anyone…?

Every so often the unexpected happens at just the right time.

I was at the International Arrival gates of the Centennial Airport Terminal. It felt so good to be home. With a heavy backpack on my shoulders, and my two hands carrying heavy bags as well, you could say it was a difficult trip for me. I would very much choose to travel light but I had to bring along my books and manuals which added up to the precious kilograms in my checked-in baggage. That leaves me no choice but to hand-carry some of my things. Walking slowly and pausing between steps to catch my breath, I was getting a bit discouraged. How am I going to make it to the Domestic terminal on time? I was dead tired and wanted to rest… but I had to catch the next flight. So, I kept moving on.

Suddenly, a guy pushing a wheelchair approached me and asked, “Ma’am, would you like to ride in this wheelchair?” I was surprised! Huh… are you talking to me? And I thought only sick or disabled persons are supposed to ride in those, why was he asking me?

Seeing me hesitant, he persistently said, “I saw you look pale, you might want to sit here, and I can wheel you around to get you to the Immigration and your baggage. It’s a long walk to the Domestic terminal. Even celebrities and stars request for wheelchairs here in the airport when they are tired.” He explained that he was sent to fetch some old woman arriving at the gates but she wasn’t there. He decided to give service to somebody instead.

Wow… I was misty-eyed. I felt a lump in my throat as I held back my tears. I gladly sat down on the wheelchair with my heavy bags. He wheeled me to the Immigration; I was even accommodated ahead of my co-passengers. Then we went to the baggage claim area, he told me to just relax while he took care of everything. As I was sitting there and watching the guy getting my baggage, I felt a strange warmth inside. It was something I can’t describe… a mixture of joy and gratefulness realizing that he approached me, of all people.

It was in this experience that I witnessed the hand of God moving in one of the least important events of my life. I even forgot to ask Him to help me in my seemingly hopeless predicament a while back. He does care. Even for the trivial things, such as keeping me comfortable in my trip. How much more for the bigger and more significant things to come in the future?

As I moved on to the Domestic departure area, I felt more confident of my next trip and I felt at peace. Whether there will be more pleasant surprises or none at all, I know in my heart, I will be fine. Somebody cares.

8 replies on “Wheelchair, anyone…?”

it must have felt awkward being wheeled around the place on a wheelchair. at least it gave you some comfort. 😀

yes, awkward indeed! and my first time ever… and the people there thought i was really sick. hehe…

So you're the one who jumped ahead of the queue! Hmmph… just kidding, hehe. 😀

Where did you go btw?

@snglguy: hehe..that's special treatment for the "disabled". 🙂 went to a place formerly known as Siam, the land of spicy food and fascinating culture.

@missy: yup, he was so kind. we managed to talk a bit and i learned something about his family and how life has been difficult for them. i wonder how he is now.

Hello again!! ^__^ Its so cool.. & u started as strangers right? wow it's a different culture! 0__0 In my country no one talk s to anyone else… -__- we r quite a cold society (;__;)

@missy: Our country is a mixture of all sorts of people – good, bad, etc. Actually in our airport one has to be cautious a bit about talking to strangers. There are some terrible stories about airport robberies and hold-ups. It so happened i met a good one at the airport. =) Hey I've been to ur country… it's beautiful and clean, so organized. I don't think its quite a cold society… and ur very friendly urself. =)

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