
“Well, it was raining when I woke up this morning…

…So, to escape it, I went back to bed
But then the rain started leaking through the ceiling
And pretty soon it was pouring on my head.

Whoa… the lyrics got me! It made me smile. It’s the first time I heard this song ‘The End’ by Matthew West playing on my Yahoo! Launchcast Radio this morning. What a way to validate my happy thoughts. 🙂 It’s just that I woke up feeling so glad and thankful about our house, it’s a feeling of gratefulness for this warm and cozy shelter we call home. Maybe it’s because it was raining so hard last night, courtesy of Typhoon Florita, and I felt so safe and warm as I slept soundly through the night.

The lyrics caught my interest ‘cause it brought back some rainy memories of an old apartment where we used to live, situated at the corner of a busy street intersecting an even busier highway. Aside from the noisy traffic we got everyday, which later on became like background music to our ears, how could I ever forget those rainy days spent inside that apartment? Yepp… it had leaky ceilings! And when it rained hard, drops of rain falling from the ceiling wakes you up from your deep slumber, ughhh…you feel it on your face! You have no other choice but to run for cover! Nah, you’d rather run to get a pail to catch the raindrops or else it would be flooding inside the house. He he…

Since it was an old house, it needed a lot of maintenance which the owner never bothered about, and my Dad doesn’t want us to spend for it ‘cause he reasoned out it’s not our house anyway, why pay for some labor and materials for a house which isn’t yours? Oh well…

Anyway, the song’s chorus went on in the background…

It’s not the end,
the end of the world
It’s just another day
depending on grace

Right on! I do believe it was only through His grace that we were able to live through the inconveniences and the not-so-comfy circumstances in that apartment for many years. And even if that old house gave us uncomfortable experiences during rainy days, we’re still thankful for the shelter it provided us.

Now, it’s a different scenario since we’re back here in our own house. No more raindrops inside! And guess what, a family friend came later this morning and told us that her house (actually it’s a shanty) fell down because of the said typhoon, and the family members have no other choice but to sleep in their small kitchen. It’s such a sad situation for them. Some friends came to help them rebuild what’s left of their little house. And as Mom and Dad were discussing with her how we could help, I felt more blessed and grateful for our very own house.

Tsk tsk… I was thinking about leaky ceilings, while hers was a badly damaged house!

As the song concludes…

Sometimes life takes so much more than it gives,
But the One who makes the air I breathe,
Is the One who’ll fix the ceiling when it starts to leak,
It may look like the end but it’s only the beginning.

4 replies on ““Well, it was raining when I woke up this morning…”

Maybe you should start playing "Our House" by Crosby, Stills and Nash. You familiar with that? 🙂

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