Simply Me

Weird, unusual, strange, odd…. ME!

It seems like there is a widespread meme outbreak plaguing the blogosphere lately. So, I’ve been tagged again with another meme from Snglguy and Ric. This time I’m tasked to list some 6 weird things about myself. OK, here goes…

  1. I get misty-eyed watching sad parts of cartoons or animated films. I remember getting so emotional on the movie ‘Beauty and the Beast’…remember that part where the Beast was dying and Beauty told him those magical three words? 😀 I remember shedding few tears on ‘Mulan’, and also the ‘Land Before Time’ series. Man, I’m getting embarrassed now… One time, my 6-year old nephew and his younger sister, about 3 years old, were watching an animated film for the nth time, my nephew pointed to the screen, “I cried on that part!” to which his sister chirped in, “me too!” OK, so at least I’m not alone in this, right?
  2. Whenever I use eggs for cooking, I don’t throw the shells right away. What I always do is this: scrape the remaining egg white from its shell and put it on my face. Yucky? 😀 It’s actually a quick facial mask ‘cause it tightens the pores. Kinda weird huh, but it really works. Just rinse with your facial wash after 30 minutes, and you’ll get a softer and smoother face.
  3. I sometimes treat my two teddy bears as real persons. Yep, I even have names for them! One cold night, I had to put some blanket over one of them ‘cause I thought he was freezing.
  4. Some songs, that I sing along to or just being played in the background, make me feel like I’m starring in my own MTV. hehe
  5. My fave veggies are the slimy ones like okra pods, alogbate, asparagus, takway, tugabang, hmmm… what else? Dunno if you’re familiar with some of them, but for me they’re really yummy.
  6. I’m super cautious about locks. I keep checking on the doors even if I know they’re already locked.

Whew! That’s about it… actually I’ve still some more weird things about me but since I’m asked to list only six, soooo… 😀

I won’t be tagging anybody again… but if you think you’re weird, you’ll have no sweat doing this meme. This one’s for you!

This meme got me contemplating on some of my unusual likes or habits and after writing them down, I realize I’m very much a normal and sane person and knowing that I am gives me the freedom to be weird sometimes.

19 replies on “Weird, unusual, strange, odd…. ME!”

shane: yep, it's kinda hard to think of some unusual things about yourself…
looking forward to your weird things post!

tin-tin: hehehe… that's what i learned from reading skin care tips. are you familiar with avocado facial mask? that's even more weird, i guess. but the most popular is putting cucumber on your eyes (which i haven't done yet).

i don't find your habits weird at all carey except for #5. congratz…you're normal! But don't take my word my word for it LOLS

Thanks for being a sport and doing the meme. Hehehe. I also want to try that egg-white thingee but it sounds kinda…strange. And yes, I don't know how to cook. 🙂

raine: i'm normal according to your standards, right? 😀 well, i like eating all sorts of veggies but i really like the slimy types, dunno why. hehehe…

jef: LOL, kala ko rin ako lang may ganitong feeling. last time, i was at the mall and as i was picking up something from the shelves, then walking around, the background music gave me that MTV feeling again, kulang na lang director at camera.

ric: well, thanks for the tag! u can just get an egg from your ref, then use the egg white, if u don't know how to cook. 😀

shane: just like my cousin, ehehe… every time i eat alogbate, i remember her. she dislikes slimy veggies esp. alogbate.

hi maia! i also don't know the english for takway! hehe… basta all i know is… it's yummy esp. kung adobong takway.

ako alam ko english ng takway… It’s called Taro roots or simply Taro… The whole thing is called Taro… From Leaves to roots and from stem to tubers…. everything is edible sa Taro… or locally known as Gabi…

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