Web hosting issues

With more than a year in the blogosphere, I realize that there are still many things to learn about blogging. For instance, one has to be familiar with the basics of html and how to go about the blogging platform whether it’s self-hosted WordPress or free account. Another concern for bloggers is dealing with web hosting issues particularly if they maintain more than one blog. For me, it’s better to have your blogs hosted in more than one web hosting company. While most companies would claim almost zero downtime, it’s best not to rely on just one so that at least you have your other blogs working for you when one of your web hosting accounts is down.

For those who are still hosted in free blogging accounts and would like to move on to their own paid domain and hosting, it’s a good thing to do some browsing for offers and packages from web hosting providers. Note the details and do a comparison before deciding which is which. It actually depends on the blogger’s preferences. Check out some articles and tutorials from Internet resources such as web hosting rating to learn more about web hosting such as the advantages/disadvantages of shared hosting, web hosting security issues and more. Articles are categorized into cPanel tutorials, linux web hosting, reseller, scripting and other related topics. The site is relatively new and will be featuring the top 10 web hosting providers or the best web hosts of 2008.

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