Web hosting 101

After successfully upgrading one of my blogs to the latest WordPress version, I felt proud of my little achievement. That’s because I always rely on my techie bro for the technical details of running a website. Thus doing it on my own was quite a feat for me. I know I still need to learn so much about WordPress, data backup, web hosting and other related topics. Browsing over some really informative articles over the net helps a lot in feeding my limited knowledge.

If you’re like me who’s still learning the basics about web hosting, you can find some helpful articles at the Web Hosting Geeks’ blog. Topics are categorized into web hosting basics (About Web Hosting), CMS, control panels, domain names, e-commerce, security issues, SEO/SEM, web hosting news and web hosting types. The site provides an annual top ten list of the best web hosts and it’s interesting to see newcomers beating some of the old names in the web hosting business.

The competition among web hosting providers is really tough and for me, it all boils down to customer service and minimal down time. Other factors such as disk space, bandwidth and cost are important as well, and terms such as “unlimited” and “forever” are the usual come-ons for new clients. It’s best to check out independent reviews and see if the package includes a money back guarantee.

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