Web analytics solution

This blog started late last year and never got to be updated as regularly as planned though I am glad I’ve kept it running with more posts lately and subscribing it to social networking sites. When I was still a newbie, I was curious about who’s reading my blog or where they came from and how they discovered my site. I ended up installing a basic site counter to track my visitors and sometimes checking it more than once during the day, getting excited when I see the numbers increasing or seeing a new location in the list. For the more serious bloggers, website owners and administrators who would like to know more about their site visitors and how they respond to their website, this is where web analytics is very much needed. Just imagine getting more than just the basics about your site visitors, and obtaining the right statistics and data in tracking and analyzing your site.

There are many web analytics solutions available and one of the leading providers is iWebTrack with clients worldwide from small businesses to universities and big corporations. This hosted web analytics solution features web tracking tools which enables you to observe visitors and their activities as they drop by your site, track and analyze search engine results and campaigns to improve ROI, track how your pay-per-click campaigns are doing effectively, e-mail or sms reports about your website based on changes in advertising trends and more. Those interested to do some business with them can join their affiliate program where they can earn commissions for Private Label sale and retail sale, or join their reseller program where they can provide customized data for their clients. Those who would like to have an overview of this product can check out their live demo or try their 30 day no-obligation web analytics service for free with no limit to the number of managed websites.

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