
Typical conversation at home

Exchange of ideas, stories and anecdotes at home usually vary from the silliest showbiz gossips, to highly technical theories, spiritual beliefs, and political issues… whatever. You could hear Mom and my cutie sis talking so seriously in the kitchen, and guess what the topic was?!… our doggie! hehe…We are a family that talks to each other. During lunch or dinner, we usually turn off the TV (a real conversation killer). Anyway, last night, this was the flow of ideas: 

Dad (asking Mom about her medicine): “What’s your medicine’s name?”

Mom: “Versant.”

Dad: “What is that medicine for?”

Mom: “Hypertension! Why?”

Dad (smiling): “Based on its name, it should be for conversation.”

Cutie sis (to me, as I was going down the stairs): “Did you hear what he just said to Mom? Versant is for conversation, hehe…”

Me (smiling): “Her doctor said she IS a talker. That’s her ‘therapy’.”

Mom (smiling too): “But I’m not a nagger.”

End of story. =)

Have a great weekend!

6 replies on “Typical conversation at home”

While my Mom and I talk, it's usually about mundane topics. Seldom, if ever, about my life. And I prefer it that way….

@snglguy: really?! i don't think i can live with that kind of setup…my mom is one of my bestfriends, she knows so much about me and my life and i learn a lot from her even if we do have differences in our opinons. =)

Well, it's not that I don't love her or anything. I do. It's just the way we were brought up I guess. Besides, I do have a tendency to keep my feelings and thoughts to myself… and not talk about it with my Mom.

@snglguy: Yeah I understand what you mean…come to think of it, I don't usually talk with my Dad about some personal issues. We do talk, but I'm more comfortable sharing them with Mom, you know…'girls talk'. 😉 But it doesn't mean I love him less than my Mom.

@tin-tin: We also discuss a lot of nonsense at home actually…they're too silly to remember. =)

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