Time management issues: 24 hours in a day is not enough?

It’s ironic how we seem to have less time in our hands when in this push button age of gadgets and gizmos; we are supposed to act on most things in an instant.

Yes, technological advancements make it possible for us to communicate and work efficiently and faster. You want to talk to a friend across the globe? Shoot her an email, or better yet chat with her online. Now this is definitely a faster way to communicate than ‘snail mail’ – writing on scented paper some updates about your life and sending it through the Post Office and wait for a week before your staled story reaches her. Then there are so many food, services and products that can be ready in just few minutes or even seconds, processes which used to take so much time in the past.

But are we really more efficient and effective now or have things become increasingly complicated they take so much of our time and understanding? How come we still wish for 36 hours in a day?

8 thoughts on “Time management issues: 24 hours in a day is not enough?”

  1. Well, despite the fact that technology is continuously providing us faster and easier means of living, it has also caused a lot of stress in most of us. I think when a thing is done faster and easier, the person tends to do more. With this in hand, activities pile up thus leading to work overload and eventually, stress. Balance is the key towards living a stress-free life (or less stressful). These innovations are undoubtedly very helpful, but let’s all keep in mind the essence of living a balanced life by not overusing technology and still keeping up with the simple way living.

  2. Oh well, this will boil down to what social scientists ( even during the time of Socrates ) claim: that acquisition ceases when man ceases. Thing is, we will never be contented. We will always be dissatisfied, always wanting more, ranting more, wishing more, whining more. What people fail to notice is that life is far more convenient and easier than the old age. Most of the time they fail to appreciate.

    Anyhoo, Imiss you Carey! 🙂 I will be coming up with a new blog ( with my own domain, too ) and I will inform you when it’s already up.

    Happy Blogging! It’s nice to read from you again. 🙂

  3. i like this new theme of yours.

    time management issues: my experience is 24 hrs is not enough with sooo many things to accomplish in a day. but 24 hrs is also enough coz our body needs to rest.

  4. Louis:

    Living a balanced life is one of my personal goals and I am working on it these days. I am slowly incorporating the health and fitness aspect into my daily routine… thankfully today I was able to do about an hour of dance-exercise. It really helped relieve the stress… but I still got so many things-to-do piling up! The basic rule is also to prioritize and of course, health shouldn’t be put to the back seat.

  5. Cai:

    Yeah that concept of dissatisfaction is very much true… we want more time simply because we want to have more and do more – 24 hours is just not enough. Sometimes I could be so focused on what I’m doing that I would not even notice the time… then I would be surprised that it’s already 4am and I’m still working! Tsk…

    I miss you too…I guess we’ve both been busy with life. I am looking forward to visiting your new dot com! 🙂

  6. BytesofCookie:

    Thanks!!! I really love this theme…I think I’m gonna stick with it for a long time. 🙂

    Yup, rest is very important…I sometimes wish I could still stretch few more hours for working but my body would then remind me it needs to rest.

  7. Pingback: new horizons » The future vs. now

  8. I think that on one hand we become more productive but on the other hand technology speeds up things . Technology also raises the amount of available information and choice close to infinite which makes our life more complicated.

    In my Time Management Master blog I collected about 200 concrete time saving tips to gain an extra hour every day. These tips can be applied at home, at work or on the road.


    I hope it can help others to manage their life. If you find something that works for you, please let me know and leave a comment.

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