The joy of having a class ring

March is the graduation month for the Philippines, unless this would be changed by a new directive which is now seriously being considered by the Department of Education “big bosses”, though this may not push through easily, if ever it will, as there is much opposition. This is now being monitored by students, parents/guardians and other interested parties.

Whatever the outcome is, preparation for graduation is sure to stir everyone involved in the coming big day – the graduation day! Affairs such as ring hops or the like will be held and surely the purchase of class rings will be a large chunk in the budget of the parents of graduating students. Class rings from may be considered, though there are others too who are in the same metal craft business.

Truly a class ring is a prized treasure, a symbol of the fulfillment of one’s dream to have a career, or to be a degree-holder, and what joy when you have one! Too bad, it ended up being lost for somebody I know, ugh!!! After all, material things don’t really last long and the acceptance of this fact is all that we can have. *Sigh* and smile. 🙂

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