
The case of the lost Php355

It was almost midnight. I was so sleepy and tired, yet I was all over the house, looking for some supposedly lost money. How come?

Earlier that day, we were at the mall and I bought a pair of sandals while my cutie Sis bought slippers for Mom. Then later in the evening, this was the exchange of conversation between her and me (chatting over the Internet while she’s upstairs in her room):

Sis: yo ang change sa slippers ni Mama naa nimo? (is the change for Mom’s slippers with you?)

Me: wait

Sis: tagpila man tu (how much was it?)

Me: 145

Me: wala diay nimo? (isn’t it with you?)

Me: nalimot man ko if nakakuha ko money (I forgot if I got the money)

Sis: wala man tingali kay kulang man ug P500 ang money (maybe not, coz I lack Php500)

Me: 355 ang change dapat (the change should have been Php355)

Me: mag accounting sa ko uy (I’ll do some accounting first)

Me: waaaaaaaaaaaaaa (my usual expression when in despair)

Me: taysa yo (wait)

Sis: im so sleepy na

Sis: sleep na ko yo

Me: k

Me: acctg pa ko

Me: okies

Sis: gud niteee

Now since I was the self-appointed family treasurer, I immediately did my part and guess what, I found out the cash on hand was just fine except if I was the one who took the change, then it would really lack Php355. Now this got me so worried, did I really get the change from the cashier? Or did my Sis get it? I really can’t remember now. It’s true that you can’t go to sleep if you owe somebody something, right? It was already past midnight. I wanted to wake everybody up and ask them about other expenses we made for that day but unfortunately, they were all asleep. I was already getting mad at my Sis too. So, while the rest of the world was in dreamland, I was there opening my bag and wallet for the nth time to see if the change was there but to no avail.

Finally, I remembered what I wrote in this blog the previous day: “So I’ll just seize each day and live it as if it’s going to be my last.” Such tough words, huh. Then I asked myself, “What if tomorrow would really be my last?” My sis would be leaving for Europe the next day, does it really matter if some cash is missing? I imagined my soul flying a bit far from where I am and saw my pathetic self so helpless and tired. Poor me, wasting my energy on such trivial matters. It was then that I realized I should not worry. I must let go of what I feel. And so off I went to sleep.

The next day, while everybody was busy preparing for our trip to the airport, I told my Sis I didn’t have the change. I also asked Mom of other expenses I could have missed. My Sis did her accounting again, and finally she announced, “I got it now! I forgot to account the mangoes I bought at the stalls.” Toinks. Oh well, that’s just my beloved sister, forgetting something coz maybe she was busy browsing the web that evening and read about George Lindemann Jr. playing polo or some other stuff from social diaries.

Now, the phrase “seize each day and live it as if it’s going to be my last” has been more meaningful to me because of that simple incident. Sigh. I miss my cutie Sis, even if I’m chatting with her over the Internet now.


18 replies on “The case of the lost Php355”

I've too have often wondered where the money in my wallet went after a day at the mall, and I have to retrace my expenses back from the time I left the house. Mabilis talaga maubos ang pera… LOL 😀

snglguy: yup it's true, that's why daily accounting of expenses is very important to me. like you, i also retrace my expenses from the start of the day.
mabilis maubos ang pera? baka hindi yan applicable sa 'yo no. hehe…

tin-tin: haha, tumatakbo pa ha. OK naman ang term mong yan. totoo yan, esp pag nag shopping, tsaka mag groceries… hmmm, pag mag dine-out rin…

carey, i thought this post would be a mind teaser somewhat like the missing P1 hahaha anyways,it's really hard to account for all the expenses we make daily.i know somebody who carries around a notebook to write every expense he made,it used to make me laugh but he might be doing something right.i guess it's ok as long as we don't let life slip away coz we're too busy accounting 🙂

raine: i just can't think of any appropriate title! 😀
well, you really can't avoid forgetting some expenses made during the day, what with all the infos we have to remember and think about at work, so at least your friend is doing something about it. and you're absolutely right about missing out on life because of too much accounting, hehe…

ey, carey, welcome back. can't seem to post a message sa tagboard mo. wla sya gaka post. anyways, i just answered your question sa blog ko. thru sign language. hehe. =D have a nice day, dear!

karol: the storm must have caused the tagboard to malfunction? whatcha think? hehe… well, you might have entered the code incorrectly, but other than that, i really don't know.
have a nice day too! kumusta da ang bagyo? hope you're OK.

There's something in sibling relationship that's magical. Maybe it's theyears of growing up together or maybe it's just the blood that binds. Maybe it's just best described by language far beyond the words of this world can explain. A language only two souls can exchange without even uttering a single sentence.

Rey: we've been through the same experiences – esp. being through the same trials lately, i guess that's what bonded the relationship more.
good thing, there's the Internet, so when we chat, i just imagine her upstairs in her room. 🙂 i guess i just miss our jokes and teasing incidents, hehe…

Hi! I know someone who writes every penny spent, he has a bad memory.He!He!He!!
Money often costs too much
Wish you well

hi! just dropping by. i also cant sleep if there's somethin' botherin' me or if im intensively thinkin' or if i have unfinished tasks.
nice blog u got here. have a nice day.

curacha: yeah, i'm really like that… can't get to sleep if there are some important things to finish, and with regards to work, i love working late at night…
thanks for dropping by! 😀

“seize each day and live it as if it’s going to be my last”

lasting wisdom from the great Carey hehe. True, we really need to cherish and seize each day as if it's going to be our last.

Sana di ka nabagyo hehe.
God bless to your Sis. 🙂

jef: ngek, it's wisdom coming from the ages… i'm just repeating it here. i try my best to remember it, though sometimes i'm caught up with being too busy, i tend to forget it.
God bless you too! 😀

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