Thank you, thank you, ang babait ninyo*

After our annual gift-giving event for the nanays, some of their little kids stayed in our living room and didn’t want to leave! Ha ha… I let them sing a bit, and they were so innocent and cute as they sang a local Christmas song, actually from a TV network’s station ID song few years ago.

These kids were out of tune, but they were unabashedly singing from the heart and you wish some rich guy would give them music lessons and buy them a guitar from instrument stores online. Thankfully, I was able to capture their song on video. It makes me smile whenever I play it.

Last gift-giving activity, my brother played the guitar for these kids. He also taught them to sing some Christmas songs properly as they hilariously messed up most of the lyrics. LOL.

*”Ang babait ninyo” is a Tagalog phrase. In English it roughly means “you are good/generous persons.”

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