
Tatak Negros (Proudly Negros Made)

Yep. That’s the theme of this year’s Panaad Festival here in Negros Occidental which officially opened last April 22. After staying for so many years in Cebu, the family really wanted to witness what this festival is all about. We came back here in Negros in the year 2004 and you could say we’re somewhat like strangers to our own homeland. During the previous years, we were just so busy we were not able to experience this annual event. Now, we decided to take time out from our hectic life and just be there. Wow, I was so excited!

This week-long event is a showcase of festival dances, cultural shows, sports events, livelihood seminars, band concerts among others. It sure would be fun to attend all these but our preference was to visit, if possible, all the theme booths of participating cities and towns from all over the province. It’s just like having a mini-tour of Negrosanon arts and culture all in one place. So, off we went to the Panaad Park and Stadium yesterday.

Manapla House at the Panaad Festival, Negros Occidental
Manapla House

Dried seafood and other delicacies at the Cadiz stall - Panaad Festival, Negros Occidental
Dried seafood and other delicacies at the Cadiz stall

Handcrafted bags on display inside the Toboso House - Panaad Festival, Negros Occidental
Handcrafted bags on display inside the Toboso House

Sweet pineapples outside the Don Salvador Benedicto House - Panaad Festival, Negros Occidental
Sweet pineapples outside the Don Salvador Benedicto House

Escalante House at Panaad Festival, Negros Occidental
Escalante House

A pose at the Talisay House - Panaad Festival, Negros Occidental
A pose at the Talisay House

It was getting really hot when we made our stop at the garden show. I was dead tired already… and we haven’t even gone to the other booths yet.

Suddenly the sky darkened and rain fell! Big drops at that! We scampered for shelter inside the Silay house. Good thing it was airconditioned. I took rest in one of the wooden chairs, and almost fell asleep. Yikes. Now, I wanted to go home. Duh…enough of my over-ambitious desire to visit all the booths today. I just wanted a good rest. Everybody was tired too. And it was raining anyway, how can we move around with all the raindrops and the pathwalks getting muddy? But wait, we haven’t gone to Hinigaran yet… and Pontevedra… and La Castellana! Still so many booths we haven’t visited yet! Sigh. I’m tired. Time to go home.

Heavy rain at the Panaad Festival, Negros Occidental
Rain, rain, go away…

After yesterday’s experience, I have but three fervent wishes for next year’s Panaad Festival.

First, I hope we’ll be able to visit all the booths and maybe even get to watch some cultural presentations. Second, I hope we’ll have lots of energy and more time for roaming around. And finally… I really do hope it won’t rain.

4 replies on “Tatak Negros (Proudly Negros Made)”

Hi, Carey.
Taga-Visayas ka gali? Wow, I want to make friends there. Pwede kita i-add sa akon nga blogroll? Thanx 🙂

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