Taking time

“Nobody sees a flower — really — it is so small it takes time —
we haven’t time — and to see takes time,
like to have a friend takes time.”
Georgia O’Keefe

I’m back after two days off from the blogosphere. Nope, I didn’t go to any of those beach resorts, I spent a lot of ‘me time and gave myself that much needed rest. I just stayed at home and got involved in our parish activities for the Holy week. I did a lot of soul-searching (I really should do this more often) — created new dreams, set some priorities, resolved to get rid of some habits that are not doing me any good, stuff like that…

Well, it’s good to really reflect a lot on what matters most, deciding to make time for one’s self, clearing some slot off our to-do lists and hectic schedule to give way for self-renewal.

photo credits: dviewfinder.com

9 thoughts on “Taking time”

  1. hi carey! me, too. i’ve been doing some reflecting. i do hope mahimo ko ang mga resolutions ko. hehe. 🙂
    happy easter!

  2. so, you have come back refreshed!
    not only physically, bit more on the spiritual
    rejuvenated…like a new beginning?
    happy easter, dear!

  3. Sweetperceptions: hmmm…busy girl huh. you can take time, next weekend…or on your next vacation leave. 🙂

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