
4 Simple and Practical Tips for Home-Based Business Owners

A lot of people dream about having a home-based business. After all, who wouldn’t want more flexible hours and having more time with the family, no more negotiating your way through traffic, or skipping meals to rush to the office? To start such an endeavor though needs more than just daydreaming about it, if you […]

Home and Living

Pest attack!

Last week I was motivated to do a bit of cleaning at home to extend my working space. I started clearing my other desk as I was planning to make it as an extra table for use by whoever will assist me in my tasks. So, I began cleaning and clearing up the shelves and […]

Health and Fitness Life Personal Management

Health vs. Work

I usually don’t sleep until I get the job done. I like to focus on the task at hand, oftentimes ignoring my empty grumbling stomach or the clock so I can work continuously without any distractions. My favorite working hour is past midnight, when the world is in dreamland – the silent surroundings make it […]

Career Life

Work at home distractions

Working at home brings with it many advantages for freelancers and self-employed individuals – freedom from a fixed timetable and location, the flexibility in accepting work projects and being with the family at home. It’s not a bed of roses though when one decides to work at home. There would always be distractions, both offline […]