
Women’s leadership programs

Before I went freelance, I used to work in a telecommunications firm. My previous job was with quality assurance and technical standards, with some site inspection on the side. I deal mostly with guys and thankfully did not experience any gender discrimination. My fellow guy engineers respect my technical know-how and capabilities while being gracious […]

Life Simply Me

Celebrating womanhood

Being a woman is a gift in itself. But I only realized this as I grew up and got rid of my childhood dreams of wanting to be a boy. When I was still in my early teens, I always thought boys were cool and tough, and girls were just plain little sissies. Boys have […]


Scarlet, Dys and Pree

“Rejoice in your deep connection to the rhythms of the universe. Your monthly cycles are as wondrous a part of the cosmos as the tides and the phases of the moon. There is natural wisdom in your life’s cyclic pattern – your experience of shedding the old and regeneration, of fullness and emptiness, of rest […]