
Contact lens or eyeglasses, which do you prefer?

Ever since my love affair with my contact lenses started, I had to adjust my daily routine with few minutes of putting on a pair of these tiny secret eyeglasses inside my eyes. This practice has eventually become easier with time that I don’t even need a mirror to accurately position one tiny circle of […]

Simply Me

Stubborn nearsighted kid

Since I was a kid back in grade school, I was already nearsighted and had to wear eyeglasses. Yes, it’s in our genes; my dad, mom, bros and sis are nearsighted as well. It just so happened that my weak eyesight condition came out earlier than the others. I had a hard time with my […]


On being nearsighted

During my elementary days, I was one of those genius-looking kids wearing bulky eyeglasses… and I find it so uncomfortable. I would take it off at school and just squinted if I needed to focus on far objects. This visual deficiency was inherited from my Mom who was nearsighted. Even my siblings are nearsighted too […]

Simply Me

Nearsighted me

I’m nearsighted and I wear glasses since grade school. Nope, it’s not because I’m a genius, but rather it’s hereditary. Everybody in the family is nearsighted, and my eyes just gave up on me earlier than my other siblings did. How I hated to wear glasses that time! I don’t know why. I didn’t care […]