
It’s OK to be rich

Most of us want to be rich. And, why not? How many of us felt guilty that we have this desire to be rich? Isn’t it that being rich has a negative connotation? Don’t we think rich people are selfish, materialistic, vain and all? Most people are sending mixed signals to the universe, as Bo […]


Do I need an auto loan right now?

Last night, at the mall, we met some good ol’ friends, a couple whom we have met via the web since they used to manage an internet café like we did. Anyway, the guy commented that our van is too big for just the three of us, adding that its size makes it more difficult […]

Finances Travel

Payday loans as financing option

I’m home after 3 months of being away. Our European vacation was memorable since I traveled with my family but now I’m back living the real life after a long time. With all the money-spending activities brought about by my recent vacation, I need to account my travel expenses and see how much savings I […]


On real estate investments

Few years back, I learned from a business mentor about the importance of real estate assets and the advantages of investing in them. He stressed that going into real estate investments can be tricky yet rewarding once you learn how to manage the risks. Investing in real estate is one of my future financial plans […]


Getting a personal loan

I recently had a chat with my friend who was having problems with her PayPal account being verified. It’s a pity since she has money in her PayPal account but cannot withdraw it unless it is verified with a 4-digit code to be inquired via their customer service which unfortunately my friend had a tough […]

Career Finances

Financial dreams

Preparing for the future financially is one way to ensure you’ll be enjoying life free from money worries later on. For some people, retirement means being old and just relying on government pension or family support for health care. Now as we are in the information age, the usual concept of retirement age (60 or […]

Life Personal Management

On managing and keeping track of personal finances

It’s been more than a week now since I made an update of my daily expenses, I almost dread to open my accounting software today. I tried to be brave though and opened it anyway, and I saw the past expenses on the account register glaring at me, waiting for some new inputs. Keeping track […]