Switch to the newest Yahoo! Mail? NO, thanks!

Why did Yahoo! Mail changed its user interface? I miss the old Yahoo! which lets me keep my already-opened emails in tabs in the upper section. It was convenient that way, as I didn’t have to close an email to access another one. Ugh!

Yahoo, why are you trying to “improve” things when they’re already fine as they used to be? I am not interested with your eye-candy themes or sassy icons, I just want an email that works, i.e. send and receive messages in a functional manner. Your new “conversations” style of grouping emails got me disorganized! I had to do a lot of inbox search to find one email that got included in a different conversation, just because the person was included in the original group.

Sigh. Yup, I switched to the stripped-down classic mail option of Yahoo! and it works just fine, but… I am missing the upper tabs for those messages already opened … where are they now??? Sigh (again).

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