Sunset-watching is nature’s gift to the soul

Photo of Dad sunset-watching at Punta Bulata White Beach Resort, Cauayan, Negros Occidental
Sunset at Punta Bulata White Beach Resort, Cauayan, Negros Occidental

Have you ever watched a sunset in its entirety, from the moment the sky changes to its orange hues, you see the sun coming down slowly until it touches the horizon giving that beautiful spread of colorful rays until darkness shrouds the earth?

Photo of me sunset-watching at Pacific Shores subdivision, Talisay City, Negros Occidental
As a child of the sea, I love watching sunsets. This photo is taken at the Pacific Shores subdivision, Talisay City, Negros Occidental

What do sunsets tell me?

The vibrant display of hues at dusk is never the same every day and every minute, and such are the daily challenges life hands us over with. Just like sunsets, some days are wonderfully colorful, or lightly hued or dark and overcast but they’re all beautiful and meaningful just the same.

And just as these spectacular sunsets prepare the earth for darkness, we can anchor on our life’s successful and wonderful moments to get us ready and courageous for the challenging days ahead.

Photo of sunset at Praha 4, Prague, Czech Republic
Sunset at Praha 4, Prague, Czech Republic

Sunsets always have a simple message for those who seek life’s meaning.

6 thoughts on “Sunset-watching is nature’s gift to the soul”

  1. BK: That’s a nice one. 🙂

    MsRay: Really… glad to meet a fellow Negrosanon. I’m from Talisay. When was the last time you were here?

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