Sunday at the hill

I love weekends and this Sunday, we had another fun day in Prague. After the usual noon Mass at the famous Our Lady of Victorious church (home of the Infant Jesus of Prague), we had another yummy lunch at Sbarro this time. It was buffet style where you choose from their varied dishes and salads, for 33 Czk per 100 grams weight. My choices of pasta and sauces were all yummy! Sorry, no pics again… we were just sooo hungry that time.

After lunch, we went shopping in the mall for my baby niece’s clothes. Her first birthday is coming up soon and I’m so blessed to be here in Prague to celebrate it with them. We then went to Petrin Hill and just lazed around a bit. It was a great afternoon just lying there in the grass, and looking up at the heavens above. We even caught sight of two jet planes ‘swimming’ in the blue sky.  🙂

1 thought on “Sunday at the hill”

  1. Pingback:   Some weekend photos — new horizons

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