Stubborn nearsighted kid

Since I was a kid back in grade school, I was already nearsighted and had to wear eyeglasses. Yes, it’s in our genes; my dad, mom, bros and sis are nearsighted as well. It just so happened that my weak eyesight condition came out earlier than the others. I had a hard time with my glasses during those times; it was such a big problem for me as I disliked wearing them. I would take them off when in school even if it meant getting poor grades because of not seeing the lessons on the blackboard clearly.

These days, it’s no surprise that eyeglasses are considered as fashionable accessories. Some grownups and kids wear glasses even if they have 20/20 vision. Oh well, maybe if I had one of those fashionable reading glasses from, I would not have disliked wearing them as a kid.

What a stubborn baby I was then! Maybe it was because I felt like an odd student among the rest with my big eyeglasses which for me made me look unattractive or weird. Looking back, I realize I was so foolish enough to trade my grades just for doing away with my glasses; I could have learned more in school and maybe even made it to the honors list then. Sigh. Regrets and realizations do come later in life.

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