SPF 100 sunblock. Really?

I haven’t been shopping for sunblocks lately, so I’m sort of surprised to read an article about many products nowadays in the market offering high sun protection factor (SPF) ratings. I’m familiar with SPF 15 or 25, but SPF 100? Wow, that must be an extremely potent product that could shield your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. However, according to a skin expert, no SPF product really offers 100% protection. For best results when using sunscreens, one needs to reapply every two hours especially when you’re outdoors.

Another issue about sun blocks are the ingredients they contain that are believed to be unsafe, such as Oxybenzone and Retinyl palmitate (Vitamin A). While these are unfounded concerns that became controversies, some sunscreen manufacturers have formulated Oxybenzone free sunscreens to accommodate customers who worry about such ingredients.

When buying sunscreen, the best practice is to check out if it is approved by the FDA. It also helps to learn more information about what the medical authorities and organizations are saying regarding these safety controversies. In the end, it’s really a matter of personal choice and decision regarding Oxybenzone and Retinyl palmitate as ingredients in your next sunscreen purchase.

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