

You’re waiting for an important email while working when suddenly a popup alert jolts you out of your concentration. “One unread message” it says. Aha, it’s the mail I’ve been waiting for. Opening your inbox immediately, you’re suddenly dismayed with the new email’s content, a link to a website selling prescription medicines at discounted prices. Aarghhh

Opening unsolicited emails are top time-wasters, yeah? I don’t know how they got to my inbox despite the email’s anti-SPAM feature. Some of the email subjects used by spammers are downright funny and some words are jumbled to trick the anti-SPAM filter. It’s a virtual fight between the spammers and email developers, with both parties thinking of ways to circumvent each other’s tactics.

I regularly check my SPAM inbox and clean it up so as not to accumulate junk mails. Sometimes, important emails that should have been delivered to the inbox end up in the SPAM folder. So it’s best to still go over your SPAM folder before emptying it forever.

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