Souvenir shopping at the Old Town

Souvenir shops at the Old Town, Prague

While touring along the Old Town in Prague, cutie sis and I also stopped by some of the shops and bought some gifts and souvenirs. There were t-shirts, figurines, glasses, cups, refrigerator magnets, baseball caps and numerous items on display that attracted our attention. Too bad, I just can’t buy more since I’m afraid I will be over my baggage limit going home. The funny thing was that we spent almost half of our touring time with souvenir shopping.

Souvenir shops at the Old Town, Prague

Souvenir shops at the Old Town, Prague

I realized it’s also a learning experience dropping by souvenir shops. You get to see the creativity and craftsmanship of the local citizens showcased in each item, from the delicate crystal jewelries and figurines to wooden marionettes and lively art paintings.

1 thought on “Souvenir shopping at the Old Town”

  1. Hi can you remember name off the souvenir shop Russian dolls were sold please and don’t suppose you would know if they have e-mail address or on line shop thank you sue 🙂

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