Sound off

What do you do when your music equipment suddenly bogs down? Unfortunately, this is what happened recently during one of our community meetings. The amp emitted some smoke and won’t function afterwards. The owner, our choir master, was not in good mood when it happened. It’s not easy if something’s wrong with an equipment or appliance where you have invested a lot. You need to contact the store where you bought it and have it checked.

We felt sorry for the choir leader; the amp was a big investment on his part so we could have an improved sound for our community gatherings. I’m not sure if his broken amp is still within warranty period. Most amplifiers come with one-year warranty such as one of those Rivera amplifiers at Guitar Center. If it’s still under warranty then good, otherwise he has to pay for repair and replacement of the damaged parts.

We really don’t know what caused the amp to break down. Some said rainwater could have gotten inside as the amp was borrowed for an important event few weeks ago and there was a huge downpour during the affair. Or maybe there was a loose circuit connection inside due to mishandling during transportation. He was not there during the event, so he had regrets about letting others use it without his presence.

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