Sleep is the sweetest thing on earth

Are you familiar with that story about a king giving three riddles and one of them was about the sweetest thing in this world? Nope, the answer wasn’t honey or sugary syrup or candies but a nice deep sleep, and I couldn’t agree more. For some, sleep is a welcome respite after a tiresome day’s work, a time for catching up on the body’s much needed rest, a period for recharging one’s spirit. For the insomniacs though, sleep is an elusive reward that has to be yielded to… after ‘counting a lot of sheep’, or reading a boring pocketbook or having a relaxing bath.

So, how do you lull yourself to sleep? Thankfully, getting myself to sleep is not one of my health problems. It only takes few minutes for me to drift on to dreamland. There are those rare times that I would feel so drained after a hectic day that my weariness gets in the way of my sleepiness and I would just lie in bed in a sleepless exhausted state with my eyes open wide. This is where I do a bit of mental relaxation by lying comfortably, and condition my mind with positive thoughts such as praying. And then, I would wake up the next day feeling invigorated and ready to tackle the day’s activities.

A good night’s sleep is truly one of life’s simple pleasures and I’m blessed to be enjoying it everyday.

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