Six random facts about myself

It’s meme time! I promised myself I’ll do two overdue memes before the week ends. The first one’s from Raine ( I’ve been tagged with this meme last November yet!.

It goes this way: write six random facts about yourself, then pick six of your friends and tag them. I guess I’m running out of things to talk about myself, but as promised, here goes…

1. I have chinky eyes, they kinda disappear when I laugh. 🙂 I look Chinese, though both my parents aren’t (we Filipinos are a combination of different races, so I guess that explains it) and people often mistook me for one. One time, a guy was talking to me in words I can’t understand, when he saw the confused look on my face, he was also wondering why I didn’t get what he just said. Then he apologized coz he was talking to me in Chinese. *sigh* Too bad I haven’t studied in a Chinese school, I would have been fluent with the language instead of just knowing “ni hao ma?”

2. I take afternoon naps whenever possible. This keeps me refreshed for afternoon work and prevents me from feeling drained by six o’clock. When I was still employed, after lunch, I would bury my head over my desk and catch a few winks while others would chitchat on the phone or play games on the pc.

3. I used to be a coffee lover, just the aroma of a hot cup of coffee (brewed or not) could send me to cloud nine and I would consume at least 3 cups everyday. When I had to do some over time work or research, I just drink some more, it kept me awake. I later found out it also caused my headaches. I was torn between keeping my headaches or drinking my yummy coffee… finally, after experiencing a week full of throbbing headaches, I decided to end my love affair with this black liquid.

4. My favorite attire – cotton shirt, jeans and flats. I just keep it simple. Don’t you just wish you could go to work without that strict dress code?

5. I can listen to a fave song over and over again, and still can’t get enough of it.

6. I just bought an exercise mat. So what does that mean??!! (shucks, I really can’t think of anything else to complete this list. Hehe…)

Now it’s tagging time! I’m passing this on to the following (don’t say no!):

1. Adam Mordo (
2. Aileen (
3. Bea (
4. Curacha (
5. Daisy (
6. Wil (

Have fun doing the meme! Just write anything random about yourself, that’s all. I’ll be checking your blogs soon… 🙂

p.s. to those I haven’t tagged, get ready for my next meme, you might be on my list. 😉

16 thoughts on “Six random facts about myself”

  1. I can relate to 1, 2 and 3. one time, a vietnamese guy just came up to me and started speaking to me. i also like afternoon naps. And I’m not a coffee drinker either. thanks for the tag. Will work on the meme. 😀

  2. i wish i could speak chinese, too. i’m a coffee addict (would 3 or 4 cups a day qualify me as one?). not that i like coffee all that much. it’s a good excuse to hang out in coffee houses though 🙂

  3. Carey, you looked uncaningly(at least your profile photo does) like Lee Lian. A singaporean chinese which is the architectural coordinator in one of the projects i’m attending.
    Mahilig ka pala sa tulog. Ako naman hindi nakakatulog pag araw. Kahit pa dalawang gabi akong nag- OT, makakatulog lang ako pag gabi na.

  4. hay naku! hindi obvious na you have chinky eyes. hehehe.
    ako din, i love the coffee aroma. but i don’t like the taste. waheehehe.

  5. We Filipinos, could be mistaken as any nationality. I have been going the the Tim Hortons coffee every morning and for the last year this Pinay, a worker at the coffee was thinking I was chinese all along until she saw Pinoy Big Brother shirt I was wearing, and she gave me a big grin and asked me why didn’t I tell her, and I said, you never asked.
    For coffee, I still see her every morning of the week and she still say I look chinese. I just love The Tim Hortons, I dislike starbucks, taste bitter and expensive.

  6. Wil: marami bang Vietnamese in your area? how did you know he was one or maybe you understood his language? 🙂
    by the way, no pressure on the meme… just do it when you’re free.
    Onyxx: You’re addicted to the coffee houses i guess 😀
    Rey: really, some people would also tell me I look like her cousin, or her friend, etc… so that means, my face is not that unique. 🙂
    yeah, i love to sleep! my good friend can’t sleep during daytime too, even if she really tries to.
    Tin-tin: Oo nga! singkit talaga 😉
    yup, the aroma of coffee is soooo inviting… so you don’t drink coffee too?
    Vic: He he, so you’re also singkit! Here in pinas kasi, when you’re singkit, you’re immediately mistaken for a Chinese.
    Hmmm… you’re different from most people I know who love Starbucks, even if it’s a bit pricey, they don’t mind.

  7. Yes, there’s a lot of Vietnamese here in california. I also had a Vietnamese roommate in college so I know what the language sounds like. 🙂

  8. apir sa # 2,4 and 5! 😀
    it’s not yet late to learn the chinese language..they say it’s really helpful esp. in the business if you have time…go for it!

  9. Hi! Im MayAnn from Salamat Dok, Channel 2. We are doing an episode on Coffee and Health and I would like to get in touch with you so I can possibly interview regarding your headaches and coffee drinking. Pls. get in touch with me at or 92441001 loc. 5338. Thanks

  10. I encourage you to go ahead and learn Mandarin-Chinese. It’s not only for the business area, but for medical, educational, industrial and cultural purposes too. We Filipinos are already behind in learning this important language.

  11. Hi again. No, I’m actually Filipino(from Pangasinan) currently in the USA. I’m actually donating Mandarin books to Filipino schools, because Philippines is already behind. Where are you planning to learn Mandarin anyways?

  12. Ken: I’m just interested about the language, not having definite plans about it actually, but thanks for the encouragement anyway. 🙂

  13. Hello again beautiful. I have formed a new forum for Filipinos who want to study and practice their Mandarin via Pinyin or characters. I invite you to join and also encourage some of your friends too.
    Therefore no need to spend too much on just a basic Mandarin class. See ya there!

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