Shopping for books

studying When was the last time you flipped over the pages of a book, lost in a different world? For book lovers, they might reply with “yesterday” or “last weekend.” How about me? Hmmm… I haven’t been reading books lately, and I guess my answer would be “last month!” I sure hope I could go back to that habit of reading books, especially those inspiring and self-motivating kinds. For students, I know they need to deal with a lot of academic books. Business owners, managers and professionals also need to have books as practical guides and sources of reference in their chosen career.

Thankfully, one can easily shop for books online. For instance, at, those interested in international arbitration topics can browse over their available books on documentary credits, Incoterms, UCP 600 and other ICC related topics. The website caters to the needs of international business professionals such as exporters and importers, custom brokers, freight forwarders including universities and related institutions. One can readily browse through their available products, with each item featured in a page. Comprehensive information about the book is provided: summary, size, book edition, number of pages, table of contents, etc. You can shop by category or enter a keyword in the search tool.

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