Secret tiny pair

Here’s the answer to the post I had last Tuesday ‘A tiny pair for a riddle’:

Yup, they’re my contact lens!

They’re not of the same color, the left lens is light blue and the right lens is light brownish. I was a bit surprised about that when I opened the case the optometrist handed to me. She explained that the blue one is for the Left eye (note the ‘L’ in blue) so I won’t make the mistake of interchanging it with the other lens and putting it on my right eye. It’s a welcome change for me, being used to having the same color for my lens since my college days and yup… I sometimes make the mistake of interchanging them. I would know it though once I put it on my eyes since they don’t have the same grade. I think my right eye has a higher grade than my left.

Anyway… these tiny pair helps me see things clearly! 🙂

P.S. Sorry this post is a bit late since I promised I would post this on Wednesday.

2 thoughts on “Secret tiny pair”

  1. did you get that as a pair already? i didn’t know they’re selling a pair with diff color. Im using just the transparent ones…

  2. Jean:

    Hi! yes, I got it as a pair… it’s not the usual disposables, and the optometrist was the one who decided on two colors. My previous pair of contacts were transparent (like what you have now) and I would sometimes interchange them since they look the same and it’s difficult to differentiate one from the other until I put them on and get a blurry vision. Thanks to my optometrist for designating a color coding for my lens. 🙂

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