

I’ll be off next week to the Land of Smiles again for about a month. Thank God for this blessing! I can’t wait to play again with my pamangkins, eat my favorite spicy dishes like Tom Yum and Nam Tok Moo, do the wai, say “Sawasdee Kha” and practice my limited Thai vocabulary, get caught in Bangkok traffic, go shopping in a night market, go biking/walking around AIT campus, eat exotic food (nahhhh)…hmmm what else?

Obviously I am not that excited huh. 😉

22 thoughts on “Sawasdee!”

  1. you live in a place next to the City of Smiles. Next you’re off to the Land of Smiles…so here’s a smiley for you!: 🙂
    Eat plenty of Nam Tok Moo for me!

  2. Daisy: yeahhh…I do hope the people at their immigration desks would justify why their country is fondly called the Land of Smiles. I’ve read in the news that they were given some training on putting on more smiles for their visitors while being on the lookout for the suspicious ones.

  3. If work means going to Thailand then, count yourself lucky. Most working stiffs don’t even have a chance to travel abroad… 🙂
    Have a safe trip, carey. 😉

  4. Pingback: Busy me | Ideas N Pink

  5. Snglguy: yes, thank God talaga. It’s not only work but I get to visit again my siblings and pamangkins too.

  6. that’s a good break for you, i have always loved bangkok as my stopover for my asian trips. of course, i like singapore, too.
    do enjoy, there’s so much to see, so much to eat, so much to shop. 1 month will be a great experiene for you.

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