Life Personal Management

Purpose driven me

Purpose Driven LifeYesterday I was at National Bookstore to inquire about the availability of a reference book which I badly needed… and guess what, they’re having a sale – it was a bookworm’s dream come true! You wish you could have all that cash to buy the books you’ve wanted to get your hands on. They have discounts ranging from 10% to even 70%.

Anyway, I bought Rick Warren’s bestseller “The Purpose Driven Life”, a book which I have been meaning to buy, sale or no sale. I know you’ve heard about this book or have even read this book already. I did start to read this book a long time ago but only managed to read few pages, and I know I’m not the only one guilty of this (right, Raine?).

I know some other friends who started reading this book and haven’t reached the finish line. Why so? I guess it’s because this book requires you to read one chapter each day for forty days. If you’re the type who’s fond of reading a book in just one sitting, then this book would be quite a challenge. You have to restrain yourself from opening the next chapter for the next day. Me? I started reading the first few chapters eagerly but wasn’t able to keep up with the ‘one chapter per day’ rule. And I was reading a borrowed book that time. Okay, these are just alibis.

So now I’m officially putting this here in my blog to remind me about my daily rendezvous with this book. The first chapter starts today! *Gasp*


15 replies on “Purpose driven me”

I love 'Purpose Driven Life.' Ive read this about 2 years ago but I still browse on it if I feel so hopeless and rejected (yep, hindi ako tuod lol)
I hope you will going to enjoy it.

This seems to be a worthy book to read. I just don't have the time to be cozy with a book nowadays…
Damn I miss those days.

Well, one good thing about reading it one chapter a day is that it will give you time to digest what was being discussed in the chapter. Better still, you can even blog about it, hehe. 😀

Jef: wow, so u were able to keep up with the book's rule of 'one chapter per day'? i'm sure i will enjoy reading it…and gain something from it. 🙂

Rey: this book made me curious, i've heard so many good reviews about it. too bad you're too busy for reading books these days.

Snglguy: that's what the author wrote, to give you time to ponder on each chapter…so the lessons would really be more meaningful.
blog about it? hehehe… why not, if ever i would come across something worth sharing.

Good luck reading carey!lemme know if you've reached day9 so we'll read together lolz one main reason that many failed to finish the book is bcoz it requires you to reflect and makes you ponder on questions about your life and sometimes 1 day ain't enough 🙂

Raine: okies… will let you know. i'm glad to have somebody to walk the journey with. sakto gyud ka, one day is not enough. and i think it's better to review also the chapters you've read before you start day 9.

im having a thesis on this book, i hope guyz u can help me….ggggrrhhh..
i have read this already & yeah i appreciate it..honestly it helps me a lot..

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