Promoting indie artists online

All popular bands and artists have their own story, their early struggles with promoting their music and getting heard, until they finally hit it big and became famous. Their tales of being discovered may be different, but we all know they started from being unknown and unnoticed until their talents surfaced — they got heard, became guest artists or front acts in concerts, until slowly they built themselves a loyal fan base.

Most artists did some demo recordings which got noticed by record producers, thus finally they’re making live shows and going on tours, and composing more songs. Some bands reached the point of becoming famous while the really good ones even became music legends.


Nowadays, with the Internet being a great place for making a buzz and getting noticed, struggling bands now have more ways to promote their music. Other than guesting in live concerts and submitting demos, they can also have their own band websites.

Another sure way to get noticed is by joining other independent artists registered in music websites where they can have their own webpage, and they can even sell their recordings for the interested registered listeners. There are many online music sites serving as venues for independent artists to be heard worldwide, and promote their music via the Internet, for unsigned bands in the rock, hip hop, industrial, gothic, grunge, metal, jazz, country, reggae and many other music genres.

These music sites provide registered member-artists their own page which contains their profile, photo album, music player for featured songs, and other stuff about them. Anyway, while browsing and listening to some pages of these independent alternative bands, I just remembered my cousin who used to play underground music before, I think it would have helped his band get noticed with venues like this.

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