Life Personal Management


What are the things you know you should do – things that would make you a better person, things that would help build your relationship with others, things that would greatly improve your career, things that would dramatically change your life… and yet you have been putting them off for the longest time?

It’s like you haven’t done anything about them, though deep inside, you believe you should be doing these important things soon. But you let time pass you by…and so much of it has been wasted. You console yourself with a lot of pretty ‘good’ reasons and excuses.

Why… what’s holding you back? Isn’t it this luxury called procrastination? And you know the deeper cause of this… you lack that burning desire you’ve had before. The passion, the excitement, the enthusiasm… they’re simply gone. Isn’t it tragic?

These days, you just go with the flow – you go in some meaningless direction other than that which you should be heading to. And what have you done about this? Nothing.

Are you just content enough to stay this way? Wake up.

These are actually the questions I’ve been asking myself lately.

19 replies on “Procrastination?”

i guess we all have to ask ourselves the same questions. i've been a procrastinator and slacker way before.. and i still am.. maybe a lil bit.. hehe

God grant you the serenity
to accept the things you cannot change;
the courage to change the things you can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
… Wishing you the best.

ric, tin-tin, raine and shane (rain and shine?)
we are no different from each other then…
mind sharing what are these things you think you should do? 🙂

amen to that! i know the things which i CAN change, but i'm just delaying doing them… well, not anymore i hope.

a lot of things. i don't know it's like i can do it better if i procastinate. i can do reports better and my mind would overflow with ideas if the deadline is near already 🙂

tin-tin: me too, i cram a lot, esp. if it's work-related… the creative juices just flow pag may pressure diba? pero it doesn't work that way when it comes to relationships and health.

jef: haha, isa pang mahilig sa pressure… it actually depends on the situation and the people involved (that's why we need to be wise about this as what Rey commented above).

shane: how about downloading while studying? well, you might be one those geniuses who actually don't even need to study… 'cause you can afford the delay. 😉

hmmm… if it's with relationship and health, procastination is very bad. sometimes being too careful is not helpful ;p

tin-tin: yes, they're very important things… actually i was thinking more of the things i should do to improve my life on a larger perspective.

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