Life Time Management

Pretty wayside flower

Lately I have been busy with a lot of things…sigh, I was I could just freeze time with all the pending tasks and projects demanding my attention. Sometimes, they can be overwhelming I just sit still not knowing which to tackle first. This afternoon was a busy one as I was chatting with my family in Europe while making a long distance call to an office in Manila. Another thing that’s keeping me busy lately is my upcoming trip and I still haven’t started packing up and listing down what stuff to bring as requested by cutie sis and big sis.

Anyway, to relax my mind from all these everyday ‘chaos’, I’ll just rest my eyes on this photo of a flower blooming near our garage.


This photo was taken a long time ago yet it never fails to bring a peaceful feeling to my soul every time I see it. This pretty yet simple wayside flower has taught me a lesson to be thankful for where I am now… and to bloom where I am planted. Thank God for the little things that make my day.

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