Photohunt: Scary

This is the Cemetery Chapel with Ossuary at Kutna Hora, in Czech Republic where the bones of about 40,000 people were kept, and some were made into intricate decors โ€“ chandeliers, candelabras and other wall and ceiling moldings.

It felt creepy as I walked inside despite the many tourists inspecting the details of the unique artworks of skulls and bones.

Massive chandelier made of bonesโ€ฆeeeekkkk!

The Schwarzenberg coat-of-arms. Look at the huge pile of bones behind!

I wonder how the artist must have felt while holding those bones and skulls as he worked on them! Yikes!

You can read more about this chapel here.

To view more PhotoHunt scary entries, click here.

14 thoughts on “Photohunt: Scary”

  1. Its wonderful and creative but it feels weird ๐Ÿ™

    My daughter said, “That’s beautiful, I want to go there” And when I told her that some family friends are in the Czech Republic visiting relatives right at this moment, she said she really wants to see that ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Wow. Creepy sure describes it. Just think that all those bones were once different people, walking around and living their lives. Now they are just part of a building. Mind boggling.

  3. my gosh, at first, from afar, i told myself it does not look scary, it is wonderful piece of architecture, but when i read and saw your words, i took a closer inspection of the details, and yes, it is creepy! i do not know if i can even bring myself to go in there as i am scared of human bones

  4. Hi all, thanks for your comments…those bones were from the many thousands of people who died from an epidemic. Instead of being buried and hidden underground, some were made part of the Ossuary’s building as a reminder of life’s impermanence.

    Here are some text from the chapel’s guide:

    “It is guessed that the Ossuary is a common grave of about 40,000 people. This work reminds us of the fact and the worth of eternity. God has concluded a covenant that put us under an obligation to responsibility towards God and our neighbours. The observance of the covenant will be appreciated when we die.”

    “The bones represent the multitudes that none can count facing God’s throne.”

    “…all the bones were disinfected and whitewashed.”

    “…the chandelier is made up of all kinds of bones that can be found in the human body.”

    You can also read more about the Ossuary in my travel blog:

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