Photohunt: Family

Weekends are those fun times most families look forward to especially the kids, they provide moments to relax and let go of those stressful work days and just be with the people that matters most in your life. While having a picnic at the Branik district, I was enjoying the view of the Vltava River and it was heartwarming to watch the other families nearby – couples with kids and babies, a dad playing ball with his son, moms running after their toddlers, sisters playing with a frisbee and pets happily scurrying around. On our way home, we passed by this lovely family near the riverbank preparing to go home.

Family: A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space. Evan Esar

A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold. Ogden Nash

My Mom’s favorite family quote?

The family that prays together, stays together. Rev. Fr. Patrick Peyton, CSC

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15 thoughts on “Photohunt: Family”

  1. What a lovely photo! The light on the trees makes them glow. Such a warmth-evoking image.

    Thanks for visiting my Photo Hunt today! I’m sorry the comment feature wasn’t working– it took me all day to fix it! :S It’s finally fixed now!

  2. Pingback: Weekend getaway at the Branik district in Prague | happy steps

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