
Online connections

…I’d like you to connect to me so we can stay in touch. You can view my blog, my photos, my lists – and all sorts of things that matter to me. You can create a personal page and blog of your own, which will be linked to mine. That way you’ll always know when I post something new.

Receiving invitations from people to add them to your list on Friendster, Yahoo! 360, Multiply, Hi5, or any social networking site can be likened to an invitation for fine dining in a place that’s overlooking the beach with great ambiance, just like San Diego’s La Jolla restaurants. Well, you could be thrilled with the thought of somebody inviting you, if that person is one of your best buddies, or your honey or somebody you got a crush on. On the other hand, it could mean difficulty in saying no…if the invitation would be from somebody you’re avoiding like the plague (whatever your reasons are).

Well, last week it was my first to receive an invitation from, and I had a conversation with a friend about this. I told her I’m not a big fan of social networking sites – though I am registered to some, I don’t check them that often. And do I really have to register myself with all these sites? I teasingly told her I find them ‘corny’ (sorry for those crazy about these sites, please don’t hit me! lol). I told her I even deleted my Friendster account.

Nope, I’m not anti-social! Well, it’s just not my style of communicating with my family and friends. I guess, I’m more of the ‘e-mail and chat’ type of person. I think I used the wrong word, even though I was just teasing her, coz I felt she was a bit defensive and maybe offended, coz she told me “lagyan mo rin ng corny buhay mo kase. minsan kailangan mo rin yan sa life mo ang corny.” Of course, I do agree with her on that, coz I am actually corny sometimes… BUT still, I am not reviving my Friendster account, and I’m not joining… for now. Ha ha… way klaro.

9 replies on “Online connections”

I also got ‘tagged’ by a couple of people, but i think i’ve got too many accounts on the web so i didn’t reply to it, also (sorry, guys 😉 ). You deleted your friendster page? sayang. I was going to add you. hehe

I have never been invited to any social networking site. *sniff* 🙁
Seriously though, I wouldn’t have the time anyways. Blogging suits me just fine for now thank you. 🙂
BTW, it’s weird I didn’t see your recent entries when I dropped by yesterday, and the day before that.

I don’t think the invitation really comes from the person, but from the creators of the WEB themselves, because I tried to clik on one and it was followed by so many tricks of “you have just won something” and since I have a few e mail address, one of my accounte even invited my other to join in.
that’s when I discovered that the invitations are automated and done by the Site.. most of what I do I call those that tagged me and they said they didn’t. Imagine me tagging me..hehe

Wil: Yup, it’s hard to maintain a lot of accounts on the web, useless rin naman di ba if you don’t check on them often. nope, no friendster for me, professional chatter kasi ako. chat na lang, hehe…
Daisy: mao gyud! bisag kulit pero makalingaw.
snglguy: really? sige, I’ll invite you to yahoo! 360, hehe… kaya lang I don’t access it that often. Hey, your blogging life is way better than being registered to these sites anyway. 🙂
Not seeing my recent entries? hmmm, that’s really weird… maybe, i.PH was still editing my blog that time, actually they just fixed my tagboard and sidebar font size.
vic: I think you clicked an option in that asks you to send invitations to everybody on your email list, and I think your list has your other email addresses, that’s why you got an invitation from yourself. 🙂 Well, it’s kinda automated if you click certain options.
But in my case, the invitation was not automated so I had to refuse politely and good thing the person understood. We still communicate through chatting, so no problem.

i feel the same way about those other network accounts…daghan na kaayo sila. I’m contented w/ friendster and multiply though i don’t religiously update.

raine: i got invited again to a new one just today… “…join the fun at ZEBO! This is a privilege bestowed upon only the truly deserving…” LOL…

sigh. i know the feeling. i stopped going to hi5 and care2connect or whatever u call that site. i just signed up wiv tagged, and my observation is that, i dunno if its just me, ahm, most people who sign up are from the middle east. errr.. dunno. nope im not pakistani. lol. i dont even go to my friendster that often nymore. and i stopped going to my other blogs. haha. adiktus.

chelsea: care2connect? not familiar with that one. well, i guess it’s better to streamline and just prioritize the sites that give us more fun. 🙂
thanks for dropping by!

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