
On podcasting

“Hello and welcome once again, this is the Kuazee podcast… thanks for listening. Today we’re gonna be talking about the top ten Philippine hoaxes…”

You’ve heard of blogs invading the internet, but… what about podcasts? Yep, those multimedia recorded files on the internet… it’s as simple as listening to your favorite topics or articles and subscribing to them instead of reading them.

There aren’t that many podcasters yet (right, Kuazee?), but I am sure this technology would sooner or later be embraced by more people out there… well, who knows I might start my own podcast – there are times when I would get tired of typing it out on the keyboard and isn’t it cool to just use your voice, talk about what’s bugging you lately while recording the whole thing, then….share it to the world.

Well, you don’t have to own a really nice voice for a podcast, for me, content is still the main thing here – you wouldn’t want to bore your listeners with some idle nonsense talk. A dj-sounding voice would actually be a big plus I think, coz that would give your listeners the illusion that they’re listening to somebody who looks like Wentworth Miller. 🙂 And with podcasting comes many tools and techie stuff to better this craft. There’s a lot of buzz about podcasting and some bloggers are airing out their views about what you must not do in podcasting. I guess podcasts are here to stay.

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