On personal change and influencing others

It’s so inspiring to see somebody change, from being wayward and disobedient to being respectful and remorseful. I have seen such personal change just recently with somebody I know and it warms the heart and encourages me to look at my own personal struggles to become a better person myself.

This brings to mind the wisdom of influencing others, not by persuasion or aggressive behavior but by being a living example of what you believe in. Yes, one person can make a big difference. One person can inspire others even with just a simple action, word or deed.

When you change, you also encourage the people around you to change. When you are positive and optimistic, you also influence others to be the same. This is why the best way for parents to positively influence their children is by setting a good example to them.

2 thoughts on “On personal change and influencing others”

  1. Gandhi really knew what he was talking about when he said, “be the change you want to see in the world.” What’s a better way to influence people than to be a leading example. 🙂

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