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Few years ago, there was a major road accident in our city involving three vehicles and a motorcycle. This was because of two crazy irresponsible guys on a drag race along the highway late evening. Unfortunately the motorcycle driver died instantly since he was violently thrown off. The other car drivers were injured. Yes, sadly motorcycle driving is riskier as its driver is more vulnerable and directly in contact with outside elements as compared to being inside a car. Motorcycles are also smaller in size and are no match to the bigger vehicles when they are side by side on the road.

In case of motorcycle accidents caused by the carelessness and neglect of another driver, it is best to get help from experts in personal injury legal cases. They can opt for legal services from personal injury lawyers who focus their practice on cases related to personal injury and especially auto and motorcycle accidents. Clients are assured that their case will be handled professionally, so that they can claim legal rights on matters such as reimbursement for medical expenses, lost wages and more.

Motorcycles may be easier to handle; its riders can smoothly squeeze their way through heavy traffic than SUVs or sedans. But they pose more risks to the driver and one needs to be extra careful and alert when riding one. My dad doesn’t like driving motorcycles and do not recommend it to his friends; he had a minor mishap with a motorcycle when he was still young. One time he even told mom not to ride at the back of our friend’s motorcycle as he considers it unsafe.

Do you think of motorcycle driving as risky or unsafe? Would you strongly advise against it if a loved one told you about definite plans in getting one as his/her main mode of transportation?