On business compliance

Does your company deal with electronic, financial and communication records for its daily operations? Are these data safe and secure from loss or theft?

When companies and organizations deal with sensitive and confidential data, it is a must to protect these records with a totally secure system fully compliant to government regulations and industry standards such as the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) for healthcare, Gramm-Leach-Bliley for consumer information, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act for financial transactions and SEC/NASD (Securities and Exchange Commission / National Association of Securities Dealers) for financial records extended storage.

For instance, if your company has an online backup system, do check if it provides data security as well as compliance to these mandates. Most reputable online backup services feature automation for your business’ backup needs such as scheduled backups and web-based data that can be accessed anywhere. Advanced features include an SQL Server, Exchange and Oracle database hot backups. Just be sure that your backup provider is fully compliant with existing standards and regulations.

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