
On Blog-hopping and Satellite Imaging

Today marks my 14th day of blogging! For someone new to this craze, I’m a bit overwhelmed (me heaves a deep sigh). So many blog-related terms for me to understand. Anyway, it’s worth it.

My own blog-hopping procedure follows this rule:

(1) read the 3 most recent posts, if you’re not amused, find another blog, then repeat (1) otherwise, if you find the entries interesting…

(2) go to the archives and read from the very first entry,

(3) if you have read more than 5 entries and still got yourself hooked…

(4) bookmark the page so you can go back and read the entire site during your spare time. heheway lingaw!

I like reading the first entry. I’m curious about how and why the blogger started writing. The transition period is also interesting to note: graduations, getting a job, promotions, job-related problems, changing of careers or gf/bf, travels, marriage, etc. Try comparing the first entry and the most recent entry, and you see a person that has changed either for better or for worse.


Here’s a very good site, World School Photographs, which I encourage you to visit. They use “satellite imaging” to feed data and images from schools all over the globe. I was so surprised to see two candid photos of me with my friends taken during my college days! Check it out; you might see your own pic years ago in school. Enjoy reminiscing!


Quote for the day:

To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children, to earn the approbation of honest critics; to appreciate beauty; to give of one’s self, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived – that is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

3 replies on “On Blog-hopping and Satellite Imaging”

hey! i checked out the site you recommended. i also saw my own elementary pic! woohoo 🙂 thanks! i enjoyed it a lot!

We provide a golden opportunity to get a look back at your old school photographs. We are the best solution to find the group photos taken from schools and colleges from the year 1984 onward. With a large database of around 85,000 photographs from more than 8,000 schools and colleges across the globe, we are very conscious to update our database yearly with new & stunning photographs. To find your old school photograph, please visit:

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