October Top 10 Entrecard droppers

Better late than never! 🙂 Here’s some linky love to last month’s top Entrecard droppers. Sorry this has been really late… this list was still on my drafts as soon as October ended but I’ve been busy since the first day of November and yesterday something big came up. Thank you Lord!!! Anyway, here goes…

BasBasBas.com (29)
Symphony of Love (26)
Communique by Ivanhoe (24)
rainydazeee (24)
Money Saving Pro (24)
Comedy Plus (24)
Pastel Corner (22)
Athletic Alley (21)
happy caity (20)
The Long Journey of My Life (20)

Thank you guys and gals for the regular drops. Salamat!!!

p.s. Top droppers will be featured on the sidebar soon! Watch out for that!
p. s. again, please visit and drop your ECs also at my travel blog happysteps.net!

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