No to destructive computer games

When before, we had our internet café business, many students would come to do their reports, theses, or whatever assignments/researches their studies would require. In these cases, we were glad to be of service to the students.
Not only for the students were we of help, businesses were also catered to. We not only offered the encoding of business letters, or whatever was required by the owners of commercial establishments, but we also did the printing of posters, newsletters, letterhead printing, or other printing needs.

At first, we thought gaming was also good business, but when we saw that most of these games children play were brutal and taught, though subtly, the players to be insensitive to the value of life, we stopped this service. We did not anymore include games in our internet café. We would rather use our resources to help the students than to destroy their psychological keenness to the important things of the spirit.

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