New shopping mall in the neighborhood

We now have new varied business establishments that delight the shoppers of our very own city: which are mostly the housewives, the usual market buyers, the middle class, the high-end shoppers, even the senior citizens, who are tagged along by their children (just like my mom and dad when we go to the supermarket from Sunday Mass).

One of these newly-built commercial establishments is a high-end mall which caters to the wealthy, and these are the shoppers of luxury brands and products. The new mall gives them the convenience to easily purchase some designer items few minutes’ drive from their homes; they can readily go there and look for a luxury watch, unless they feel extremely lazy and can find it online. These rich folks can now easily look for their favorite signature clothing and accessories just within the neighborhood.

Anyway, we are truly blessed being the next city to the capital city of our province, where big multinational companies spill over to our place, as they could not any more find enough space for their business.

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