Nature tripping for a vacation

It’s exhilarating when one goes out into a vacation; he leaves his usual daily routine, forgets deadlines, or the dull regular office tasks, and enjoys the new refreshing sights and sites. I love being with nature, and for me, few days of relaxation would be best spent being on a beach or high up in the mountains. For instance, the beautiful views of White Mountains Arizona look enticing and make me dream of spending a vacation in this place. Aside from being gifted with nature’s attractions, it has a year-round social events (meaning one will not get bored!) and friendly people.

If its recreation one is after, there are winding mountain trails at White Mountains, and he can enjoy hiking or biking, or can just lazily move around to get the pleasure of the abundant beauty of nature. Or one can go fishing; there are plenty of lakes, streams, and rivers up there, which abound with different kinds of fishes. Or one can choose hunting different varieties of animals – elk, deer, antelope, to mention some. In fact, they have the Arizona Department of Game & Fish to handle different kinds of sporting challenges. Or if one goes for skiing and winter sports, the place offers some of the best ski resorts, they even have designated special cross-country skiing trails for enthusiasts.

Anyway, I’m just on dreaming mode for now… after our recent family vacation in Europe, still I’m looking forward for more travels to come next year.

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