My uncle musicians

Music runs in the blood of our family. Though I have not seen them, I have learned from the stories of my father that three of his brothers run away from home to go with a group of musicians to the States where they had been successful in their music career.

I have not heard much of them as I was yet an elementary pupil at that time, and was not interested of the whereabouts of my uncles whom I have not met. I would hear my elder siblings, together with Papa, talking about them, but that was all. I’m sure they did great in their chosen musical career and learned to play all sorts of musical instruments, just like most bands today with their multi-talented members who usually are experts not just with one, but even more than two, musical instruments. I won’t be surprised if some pro musicians nowadays know about music for clarinet at online music stores.

Now that I’m much older, to even have grandchildren of my own, I feel what I’ve missed not being able to connect with my musician uncles, I could have known of my first cousins who are now living in the United States – useless realization as nothing can be done anymore about it, even my elder siblings who were knowledgeable about them are now gone, and no address can be traced so that even with the help of the internet, it would be difficult. One of these days though, when I’ll not be so occupied by my various community activities (including those of our homeowners’ association) I may be able to embark on the search for my long-lost cousins!

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