Simply Me

My first meme

I still consider myself a newbie to the blogosphere. The first time I encountered the word “meme”, I was confused about its meaning. I thought it was a typo error of the word ‘memo’ but it’s more than that. Pronounced as ‘meem’, it is defined by as “a unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.” In the blogging world, it starts as a post by an inspired blogger to challenge the readers to a task, like pinching a stranger beside you or reading a book in German. Nah, seriously now, it’s a fun way of getting to know your blogmates since most memes involve information (by answering questions specified by the meme) and distribution (by tagging other bloggers to do the same)!

Last night, I stumbled upon this cool meme on Snglguy’s ( blog, but I guess I came in late. So, I tagged myself in Ric’s ( blog, since he was the first to respond to Snglguy’s meme. Okay, this meme is kinda different though, I won’t be answering questions about myself, instead it goes like this. When you comment on this post, I will have to:
1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Challenge you to try something.
3. Pick a color that I associate with you.
4. Tell you something I like about you.
5. Tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. Ask you something I’ve always wanted to ask you.
8. Pick a song that reminds me of you.

After I’ve done the 8 tasks above, you will then have to post this same meme and my response on your blog. It’s fun, right? 😀

Here’s what Ric did for me when I commented on his blog. I copy-pasted it here with my response in italics:

Here it is. I will try my best.

1. Random: You’re probably a girl who has a knack for details in everything. I can assume that looking at your blog header.

Really, I didn’t know my blog header would speak about that for me… but yeah, that’s a good observation, I really am concerned with details sometimes, especially with my work.

2. Challenge: Sing Aegis’ “Basang-basa sa Ulan” when you go to a videoke. This came to mind because of your post regarding the leaky ceiling.

Waaaah…! I really don’t sing songs I don’t like. That’s a big challenge indeed.

3. Color: Pretty easy! Fuschia? Err…pink na lang. Hehehe.

Yep, it’s obvious!

4. Like: The design of your header.

Thanks! 🙂

5. Memory: I was amazed to find another bisaya blog prior to stumbling on bisaya bloggers.

Really? Well, my posts are mostly in English (para global, hehehe…) so this is not really a bisaya blog, but am a true-blue err true-pink bisdak.

6. Animal: Rabbit? Err…because of the color pink. They have pink noses, right?

OK lang, rabbits are cute. Hehehe…

7. Question: Taga asa kang dapit? Hehehe.

Batang Negros (Occidental). 😀

8. Song: Aerosmith’s “Pink”. Don’t ask why anymore.

Yeah, good choice!

Well, how’s that? Hehehe.

That’s about it folks! C’mon, start commenting now!

p.s. If you have already done this meme, you can still comment here, and I will gladly do the 8 tasks for you.

23 replies on “My first meme”

Hehehe, I'm glad you enjoyed doing this. I know some bloggers are quite apprehensive about this particular meme for obvious reasons. 🙂

Snglguy: Here it is!

1. random: I still read snglguy as 'snuggle' guy sometimes! 🙂
2. challenge: I challenge you to write a poem! Maybe you can express yourself better in poetry about what's bugging you these days?
3. color: white! coz of the white background for your blog design which I really like.
4. like: I like how you manage to post an entry daily in your blog, and always find time to read and comment on your friends' blogs.
5. memory: That nice photo of an owl that you have for your header image when I first visited your blog.
6. animal: It's an owl, of course! An owl symbolizes a wise person, which I'm sure you are… and I guess you're a night person?
7. question: What's really bugging you these days?
8. song: 'Our house' by CSN, 'cause you mentioned about that in my post about the leaky ceiling.

OKS ba? Have a great weekend! 😀

owl ba yun? memory gap talaga ako! hahaha.

carey, i haven't done yours yet. pero post na ako ng comment dito. so i know kung paano ako gaganti. just kidding. hehe 🙂

and thanks for the background on meme. ngayon ko lang nalaman yan. you really researched on it ha 🙂

Pretty Tin! This is for you:

1. random: You're a girl who's so secure about herself, based on your tagline, and that's quite an admirable trait.

2. challenge: Be more organized. 🙂 di ba you said you're 'burara', hahaha…

3. color: Bright yellow! I see you as a happy person.

4. like: I like your childlike faith and simplicity in your relationship with God.

5. memory: Your smiling pic in the header of your blog.

6. animal: A cute and cuddly Shi Tzu. wala lang, hehe…

7. song: Beautiful by Christian Aguilera "I am beautiful no matter what they say…" bagay sa 'yo diba?

There you go Tin! 🙂

'meem' pala yung pronounciation don…kala ko 'meme' hahaha. My bad!

I still have to muster the courage to wear pink tshirts by the way and from the looks of it you really like pink hehe!

Cutie sis Daisy! Here's what I have to say about you:

1. random: The cute one!

2. challenge: Bake the yummiest pan pizza and post it in your blog. pretty pleaseeee…

3. color: This one's easy… blue! I know it's your fave.

4. like: You're a very thoughtful and generous person. Hmmm… I can see somebody nodding all the way from Cz.

5. memory: Your naturally shiny straight hair, hehehe…

6. animal: Mousey! and a tadpole!

7. question: Why do you like to tease people always? LOL

8. song: Love Song for a Saviour by Jars of Clay "…the daisies and the roses, in no simple language…"

Human na gyud yoeeee! *bow* 😀

Kuazee! …this is my welcome to you for dropping by:

1. random: you have a unique name

2. challenge: sing your fave song in your podcasts, i think this is quite easy for you.

3. color: White! coz you sound like a really cool and relaxed person

4. like: that you also like Switchfoot, it's one of my faves.

5. memory: Your eyes! (it's the most dominating part of your photo, hehehe)

6. animal: a dove

7. question: What's your work? just curious…

8. song: That song you played by The Streets on your podcast

There you go Kuazee, have a great weekend! Sure thing about the linky, but pls use my name Carey instead of Pink! 😀

Hi Jef! the relationship guru! hehehe…

1. random: Smart and funny guy!

2. challenge: Sing to your girl that two-toned rap music with the "yeah’s and ows’ and break it down"!

3. color: dark blue (the color of your blog, and I bet your fave too)

4. like: your posts!

5. memory: Your tips for guys and gals about how to ditch their bfs/gfs

6. animal: Hmmm, this is quite difficult… a stallion? LOL, wala lang.

7. question: Where did you get all those graphics you put on your entries? parang Reader's Digest kasi ang dating.

8. song: Any rap song will do… hehehe

Thanks for dropping by! enjoy your weekend!

Jef, 'meme' rin pronounce ko noon… i just learned the right way last night when i did a bit of research. hehe…

Hi Jane, the pretty insomniac! Here goes…

1. random: The food stuff you're posting in your blog always makes my tummy grumble!

2. challenge: Teach Alf to do some neat somersaults and how to jump through a ring of fire. hehehe…

3. color: Blue! it's your blog's color, very easyyy… but you said you also like pink?

4. like: that you're so positive about our country and it shows in your posts

5. memory: Your pic with Winnie the Pooh

6. animal: a big fish in the ocean (coz of your underwater blog background)

7. question: what does jairam stands for?

8. song: Who let the dogs out? (with Alf woofing in the background… LOL)

Ayan! Now, it's your turn… it's really fun, enjoy the meme! 😀

sige daw beh! 😀
p.s. last night i had this weird dream about some kind of an eyeball and i think you were there somewhere

thanks carey! galing! you really read that post about my being burara. hehe. and i like the song. kapal talaga ng mukha ko. hahahah. but why don't you have any question for me?

To Raine, the Introspector! here goes…

1. random: The witty girl from Davao – way buot usahay, hehhe…

2. challenge: Attend a one-week retreat in total silence with the monks in a far away monastery, heheh…

3. color: Black! There's this mysterious air about you, you're a bit pragmatic and yet so very much in touch with your feelings.

4. like: I like your style of being unpredictable and full of surprises!

5. memory: Your post about losing your faith. I think it's a very personal thing and you were downright honest about sharing it.

6. animal: A colorful bird – cute and free!

7. question: Where'd you get your unique header image?

8. song: 'Walking After You' by the Foo Fighters coz it's your OST and it's really a good song.

Naa na gyud! I know malingaw jud ka ani. About that weird dream, hunos d aparador basig matinuod? How did I look like in ur dream, btw? hehe…

@tin-tin: Oo nga pala! sorry I forgot, kulang pala ng question for u, nahihilo na siguro sa kakaisip ng masulat. Here it is: 'What's your ideal guy?' wowww… I can see you blushing now, answer please! 😀

A poem? Man, it's been like ages since I've written poetry. And not even a good one I'm afraid. One has to have real talent and sensitivity to write a decent poem, and those two factors I do not have….

[14] ha ha Carey, I loved all your answers, and yes they're all sooo me 🙂
i also love the color pink, jairam is actually an inverted maria J because my full name is maria janette. people call me jane talaga but i figured i wanted an online name para maiba lang 🙂 thanks for tagging me!

@jane: "After I’ve done the 8 tasks above, you will then have to post this same meme and my response on your blog." anyway, OK lang din if you won't, you might get dizzy answering all who comment on your meme, though most would have second thoughts of tagging themselves, so it's also a thrill to see who would take up the challenge. 😀

[17] you're right…nalingaw ko! Thanks sa effort.i've posted this meme on my blog(para makabalos ko) so expect jud nako na magcomment ka hehehe
blurry man ang akong dream ato oi…so can't recall. 🙂

hahaha. ideal guy? someone who repects me, would make me love, secure with himself and really has a deep faith in God. and dapat love ko sya 🙂

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